How apply the /NOAGENTS /NOSYNC /PROMPT options to Commence.
More Information
When you start Commence with the recommended options, this temporarily turns off automation and data synchronization, which allows you to run WSH scripts and other utilities more efficiently and without interruption.
Use the steps below to apply these options to your Commence shortcut.
If you start Commence with an icon on the desktop:
- Single click on the icon to highlight it.
- Right click the icon to bring up the menu.
- Select Properties.
- Select the Shortcut tab.
- At the end of the text displayed in the Target: box, add a space, then /NOAGENTS /NOSYNC /PROMPT
- Select OK.
If you start Commence from the Start menu:
- Open the Start menu.
- Select Settings.
- Select Taskbar.
- Select the Start Menu Programs tab.
- Select the Advanced button.
- In Explorer, find the Commence program menu item.
- With the menu item highlighted, right click the selection to bring up the menu.
- Select Properties.
- Select the Shortcut tab.
- At the end of the text displayed in the Target: box, add a space, then /NOAGENTS /NOSYNC /PROMPT
- Select OK and close all other dialog boxes. Close and restart Commence using this shortcut so that the command line option takes effect.
C:\Program Files\Commence\Commence Workgroup\commence.exe /NOAGENTS /NOSYNC /PROMPT
"C:\Program Files\Commence\Commence Workgroup\commence.exe" /NOAGENTS /NOSYNC /PROMPT
Applies To
- Commence RM 3.1(d) SP1
- Commence RM 3.0(d) SP1
- Commence RM 2.1(d) SP1
- Commence CRM Application Suite, all RM(d) SP1 versions